Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I don't even know what to say about this picture. COYNOVA. Bad Attitude. This was the night of Ashley's "Martini Madness 2005". And the night Bad Attitude said to me, "Do you think your friends would get pissed if we were to go somewhere alone later?" ...or something very similar (gag).

This was a night when the guests at our table changed like three times, but we remained intact (and by "we" I mean me, Amanda, and Ashley). I recall hanging out with professors, fellow students, spouses of professors, local television personalities... I'll refer to them as "The FC" and "Steve" (or Brick and Champ). Also "Face for Radio" and his undying love for Ash...


Anonymous said...

Looks like some winners. Is that guy wearing a beanie?!?

MandaLB99 said...

It was like effing musical chairs that night, wasn't it? I think you should send that pic to Coy, maybe he can use it in his bio in the next article he publishes! Oh and don't forget the pissing contest between the not-so-new-and- improved-tyler and the FC....

Sarah said...

Yes, Jaime, he's wearing a beanie... someone else's beanie. "Whose beanie?" you may ask. I don't know.

Amanda, I'd totally forgotten about Tyyyyyyllleeeerrrrr and his dolphin teeth (and alleged earring-wearing abilities).

I sent the blog link to Ashley, so maybe she'll have Coynova take a look... hahahaha. I may also send it to A-Rod. She'd appreciate.

Anonymous said...

You have some wonderfully "interesting" people to hang out with Wheels. Someone else's beanie even. I think I might end up having to fight each and everyone of them if I had to deal with that kind of nonsense on a day-to-day basis.

Sarah said...

You don't fight people who hold the fate of your grades, and ultimately the outcome of your graduate school career, in their hands. :o) Now the TV people are another story...

Jaime, have you checked out the Eve and Wheels blog? You'd enjoy it, I think.

Are you still my ex-neighbor over by Hurricane?

Anonymous said...

HAHA, not anymore. I wish I was though. Had to move out and save some money. I've seen the Eve & Wheels one and I do enjoy it. TAFKAS Part Deux is definitely well worth the read! Your personal one is still a step ahead I think though! How's life been treating you? Feels like I haven't seen you guys in forever!