Monday, June 16, 2008

Fellow Elitists Sought

Elitist seeks like-minded individual(s) for general social purposes, probably just some drinks and heckling, maybe some lively pop culture discussion, attendance at a movie from time to time, etc. Magic christians, hippies, drug addicts, those with sub par intelligence and/or offensive body odor need not apply, as well as people with identifiable neuroses they take seriously. Interested parties please apply via witty, entertaining, and grammatically correct comments to this blog.

This is basically my way of saying I miss all of my friends, who are spread all over the country, and I can't wait to spend some quality time with my girls this weekend in Albuquerque (a.k.a. The Artist Formerly Known as Steve, or TAFKAS). Do 90 percent of the people in Ruidoso just suck, or am I so much of a snob that no one dare find out that I am actually a pretty easygoing person?

*Visit again soon because I will certainly be blogging about the Texans and my dining experiences with them very soon.


Eric said...

Ooooh, I wanna be an elitist!

Anonymous said...

I are does like eliting. (raising hand adn shouting loud words)

Flesh and Bones said...

If I still lived in Ruidoso, I would respond in earnest to your ad. Lively pop culture discussion: Ha! Even the most accute of Doso still think Sublime and Bob Marley are the only thing that ever happened in music. The only thing I ever got when I tried to talk music/art/film/books was blank stares, except for Eric (above), a highly intellectual person in Ruidoso or anywhere. Attendance at a movie from time to time: Ha! Ruidoso's movie theatre...
Magic christians, hippies, drug addicts, those with sub par intelligence and/or offensive body odor need not apply ... well now, you've eliminated everyone in town. Good luck finding some stimulation! :-D