Monday, May 08, 2006

This kinda made me laugh...

So Amanda's quiz obsession that I apparently sparked made me take this one I saw on Alli's MySpace...
Sarah --

A steamy, steamy shower.

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at


Anonymous said...

Wow. Double steamy. Wheels, your hot!

MandaLB99 said...

Becareful, the quizzes will take over your life.

Sarah said...

Actually, I thought about it and that thing really wasn't a quiz. You just put your name in it and it gives you a "definition".

Five gallons is A LOT of spicy mustard, Jeff. You must be a buffet of manliness... hahaha.

MandaLB99 said...

Interesting, Jeff.... I pictured you more as an Italian scooter....